
Thursday, February 27, 2014

I Live Such a Boring Life

Really, it's completely boring. I work, I sleep, I read books, I watch videos, and I write a little. That's about it. That sums up my life right now. There's no exciting adventures to share, no ground-breaking opinions, no life-changing events.

And I kind of like it this way. There's a certain steadiness, a consistency in my life that makes it easy to live with no complaints. I know a lot of people who complain about their life. They have no money, they have no time, they don't like their job, they don't like the people they are with, they don't know what to do with their lives, they want to go back home, they don't like the military, etc. Its' really quite draining to hear people talk like that, and I honestly can't understand why people complain so much.

I'm not saying I don't complain. Because that would be a lie, I'm human, so I do complain occasionally. But whenever anyone asks me how I'm doing or how life is, the word that comes to mind is 'comfortable.' I'm comfortable with my  life right now. It may be boring, but it's my life, and I read enough about awesome adventures in my books, so I'm perfectly happy with boring.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. You should get out and have a rip-roaring adventure of your own. I can't wait to get over there and get you out of your room! I'm glad you're comfortable and happy, and safe.
