So I spent most of yesterday tidying up my room, vacuuming, dusting, etc. I always feel uneasy when my room is a mess, and since I have a dust allergy then I have to dust and vacuum pretty regularly. And I really wanted to get some writing done, but when my room is a mess then I can't get anything to come out. So yesterday I cleaned and it all looked great.
I woke up this morning and my room was a mess again. I swear, there's a goblin that haunts my room and as soon as I clean up, it comes out while I sleep and messes everything up again. It's a nightmare.
But honestly, it's because I have too much stuff and not enough places to put things. It's been like this forever. Since before I can remember. The biggest problem is I get attached to things. This picture has a memory, I will read this book someday, I'll need this thing-a-ma-jig in the future, etc. And with the limited amount of space I have right now, I just can't keep everything.
So today (Sunday) before and after church I'm going to be working on getting rid of stuff. Because until I have a tidy room, I'm not going to be able to get anything productive done. And that's the truth.
As always, thanks for reading!
This problem is partially genetic as I'm affected by the same thing. Why do you think I need two houses to "house" all my stuff. It is also emotionally draining to try to get rid of things. So take advantage of the days you feel disgusted and angry with too much, those are good days to de-clutter.