
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Too Many Things To Do In One Lifetime

It seems like what I want to do with my life changes more and more often recently. One day I'm thinking of living in a large home designed after Korean style homes. The next, I'm considering the crazy idea of living in 120 square feet of tiny house (thankfully Mom talked me out of that one.) One day I'm dreaming up all the details for opening and running a bookstore, then I'm thinking about everything I have to do to become a homemaker. First, 'City!' Then, 'Country!' Cats! No, dogs! Teaching English! Writing novels! Riding horses! Cooking for a living!

The list can go on. I guess I haven't changed much from when I was a child. Every week I had a new middle name (I have none, and I was always jealous of everyone else in my family. Even my mom has one but I don't.) Every time someone asked me, I had a different job I wanted to do when I grew up. Journalist, Marine Biologist, Veterinarian, etc. etc. ad nauseam.

I really need to just sit down with myself (I can be a bit stubborn about these things) and remind myself that I really have very little control over what will happen in the future. I will just have to do what I can today and wait to see what will happen tomorrow.

I mean, look at where I am right now. If you asked me at any point in my life before that fateful moment when Dad suggested the Air Force, 'where do you think you will be at 25?' I never would have said military. I'm sure my 15 year old self would have had many a heart attack if she heard I joined the military, lived in an Asian country, and still wasn't married. That just wasn't in the plan. I didn't really have a plan at the time, but that just wasn't in it.

And look at me now. I'm in the military and actually like it. Okay, it's not really 'like', it's more like 'pride' and 'gratitude', but those can equal 'like', right?

Hold on. I got sidetracked here.

The point of all this, is there are too many things I want to do in life, that I just can't make a 'Life Plan.' If I tried to do everything, it wouldn't work. I can't work full time while still being a full time mom, and I can't live both in the city and the country. I can't worry about what kind of home I'm going to live in. The future is a mystery to all but one person, and that person I am not. So I need to just sit back, relax, and enjoy the now. Otherwise I'll regret it in the future.

What are some things that you wanted to do as a child or young adult that you haven't had a chance to do yet? Do you think you'll ever get the chance? Tell me in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I wanted to be a stewardess (flight attendant), a singer/actress, model, teacher, nurse, architect, accountant, kept woman, and probably a whole bunch of other things that I don't remember. I wanted to travel, live in a big city like New York, live on a farm with lots of children, be famous for something. Here's something you don't know about me: I used to give Oscar acceptance speeches in the shower!! I practiced 'cause I was sure it would happen someday. Dreams are what keep us going. The dream that stayed constant was getting married and having children. That I wanted more than anything else in the world. A regret I have, that I wish I could go back and change is not going to college in my twenties. I had plenty of time, I just didn't realize it. I got married, my season changed and I now realize that it's too late, the season is gone and I have to move on. It's hard to give up on some dreams, but God will show us what's the most important. Have a Plan A and a Plan B; and remember that Luck is when opportunity meets preparation.
