
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Little Lady Agency, by Hester Browne

The Little Lady Agency, in Hardcover
Read February 12-February 17

I read chicklit very infrequently. I have enjoyed Sophie Kinselle books in the past, but for the most part chicklit doesn't interest me enough to entice me to pick one up. However, I promised my mom I would read her one of her favorite books, because she's read a lot of books on my recommendation and I felt I should reciprocate.

The Little Lady Agency is a fun romp through British social life, and the life of naive and funny Melissa, and I did enjoy it, despite myself. It's funny, and cute, and I can't help but feel a bit similar to Melissa, in more ways than one.

Some of the middle of the book was hard to get through because when Mom was reading it a while back she spoiled the whole series for me. So a certain large part of the book that was dedicated to one relationship that I know won't last felt like it dragged a bit. It was a little disappointing that I couldn't just enjoy it, but what can I do? This is why I don't like spoilers of any kind.

The end of the book was fantastic and had me giggling and making me look crazy to my co-workers, although at this point they are kind of use to behavior like this. Revelations were made, just deserts were passed out, and it ended on a happy, uplifting note. Just the kind of ending I love.

Rating: Keeper, though I would have to be in the right kind of mood to read something like it again. And unfortunately I have to mail it back to my mom. Sad face.

Have you read The Little Lady Agency? Tell me what you thought in the comments!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. FINALLY! And you know what? No matter how many times I read it, I still get excited, even though I know how the series ends. My favorite is Swept Off Her Feet, because I so totally identify with the main character. Hester has a new book out this fall! She's a great writer.
