
Thursday, December 5, 2013

And For 2014...

As I have said before, I'm starting to set some goals for my writing that will help push me towards my ultimate goal of being a published writer. This is going to be hard with my job, because I work 12 hour days when I do work, and my weekends tend to be full of things that have to get done while I have free time. But if I'm ever going to be a published writer, I have to bite the bullet, put my shoulder to the wheel, my nose to the grindstone, etc., and just write anyways.

I've thought about trying all different NaNoWriMo related or inspired challenges. I've even thought about doing milwordy, which is an insane challenge to do one million words in 365 days. Now THAT is a challenge. But I have to be realistic with myself, and as much as I want to try milwordy, I already have a full time job, and I can't add a second full time job into the mix. It just isn't going to work.

So, working with my limitations and abilities, I've come up with my own project/challenge for 2014. I decided to call it 'Six in 14', because I'm going to attempt to write six novels in 2014. That comes up to a novel every two months, which is doable. If I write on all my days off, of course.

The biggest reason I decided on six novels instead of a specific word count for the year is my favorite author and my hero, Brandon Sanderson, wrote six novels before publishing his first -- his sixth was Elantris. I can't consider myself on the same level as him -- because I'm not even close -- but I figured it was a good place to start. If anything, at the end of 2014 I will have six un-publishable novels and a better understanding of what works and what doesn't, as well as the knowledge that I can sit down and write novels.

Of course, this will also be accompanied with my attempt to get back into reading again. Because writers have to read. And I haven't been very good at reading -- finishing, really -- anything for the last couple of years. So I want to try to keep it a decent, doable amount of four books a month. Minimum of course, because I can read more than that. Which should come out to about 48 books for the whole year. So six novels written, 48 novels read. This is going to be an interesting year.


  1. Goals are good! You are well on your way to becoming a great writer like those you admire. Keep up the good work.

  2. Wow! You have set some big goals for yourself. Writing is one of my favorite pass times, too. In fact, I get up often at 4 in the morning to do it without the distractions of the kids. I would offer one caution.... Right now you have the exciting experience of living in a different country. I find that my experiences color my writing and make it rich. Don't make the mistake of Ko Dok-Mi in Flowerboy next door, get out explore and enjoy. Then the words that flow will be richer for you and your readers.
